Emmanuel Babled

Arcana Entre-Deux is a tribute to the know-how of high quality cabinetwork, creating a piece full of personality.

Emmanuel Babled

Emerging as a variant of the  Azoici and Azoici S vases, the Mini version is the smallest of the three.

Emmanuel Babled

Emerging from the unique collection of Azoici vases, this medium version comes in limited series.

Emmanuel Babled

Each piece of the Azoici collection is unique, expressing the interaction between the material and the master.

Cecile Mestelan

The Cosmic Loop I symbolise the force of life emerging from the mud into the light.

Emmanuel Babled

The Cosmic Loop II symbolise the force of life emerging from the mud into the light.

Emmanuel Babled

Den Chair, the challenging perception of marble. Designed for outdoor and indoor use.

Emmanuel Babled

Digit Light Mini Porcelain is crafted from porcelain and handblown glass.

Emmanuel Babled

Digit Light Mini is crafted from handblown glass.

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arcana cabinet

Arcana Entre-Deux is a tribute to the know-how of high quality cabinetwork. The outer surface of this monolithic walnut cabinet has a powerful angular relief pattern, with no indication of its function; this abstraction creates an unusual piece, full of personality. With no handles or apparent door, no clear front or back, Arcana stands in place as a mysterious object hiding its secret.

design: Emmanuel Babled
production: Anders Lunderskov

material: american walnut wood
dimensions: 142.4 x 72.2 x 40.8 cm
weight: 70 kg

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