Cengiz Hartmann

Cengiz Hartmann is a german artist focussing to reduce objects to the essential without eliminating the poetry. The word Begreifen serves as a key to his work. It means both to touch and to understand – in a way thinking with the hands.

“In my practice as an artist, I try to comprehend the uniqueness of the outside – and by that the inside, the essence. A work of art is the outer model of inwardness. I transform matter which is entity. The transformation shows the unspeakable. Gradually I discover the influence of time, weather and natural substances on different materials and integrate them into my own work process.

I create works of art that allow interaction and associations, both is elementary. It is always about relationship.

I am in search of poetry, the essential expression in things. Form and content can not be separated from one another. I trust my intuition, it is condensed experience. Iterative phases of creation and reflection are equivalent.”

selected works

painting ‘Jeune Homme‘

etnastone guéridon

megalos stellarum

cosmic loop II

cosmic loop I

ubuntu vases

etnastone side table

digit light regular

digit light mini porcelain

etnastone cabinet

Digit Light Mini Porcelain

Stellarum Ceiling Ligh

etnastone large coffee table

etnastone gueridon composition

etnastone cabinet

potatoes de terre

paintings ‘Erratic Portraits’

Paintings ‘Etudes pour la Cène’

lunar wall lightning

triangular mirror

horizontal mirror

osmosi complement no. 2

osmosi complement no. 1

osmosi complement no. 5

osmosi complement no. 3

osmosi light no. 1

osmosi light no. 4

osmosi vases

i am not afraid of standing up

tangram table

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